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Oasys Max
Today’s patients face increased screen time2 and exposure to multiple sources of blue-violet light3. Increased digital device use causes less blinking which can lead to discomfort4, 5 and blue-light scatters more resulting in blurry vision3.
Light Filter‡
60% blue violet light filter‡#7,9, highest in the industry. Minimizes the effects of blue-violet light scatter on the eye*8 to reduce halos*8 and starbursts*8.
‡ Filtering of HEV light by contact lenses has not been demonstrated to confer any health benefit to the user, including but not limited to retinal protection, protection from cataract progression, reduced eye strain, improved contrast, improved acuity, reduced glare, improved low light vision, or improved circadian rhythm/sleep cycle. The Eye Care Professional should be consulted for more information.
# Versus publicly available information for standard daily use contact lenses as of July 2022.
* Versus ACUVUE® OASYS 1-Day
75% agree, they want more from their contact lenses6.
We Match the Best Contact Lenses for your Eyes
4 Reasons for recommending contact lenses to Teens.
DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus® contact lenses provide students all-day
comfort, from classroom to study group to the sports field. Study results
show that wearing contact lenses versus spectacles gives teens:
- Help create more positive attitudes about physical appearance
- Increased satisfaction with activities including playing sports
- Higher overall satisfaction vs. spectacles
- Improved peer perception
Soft Contact Lenses (all major brands available) Rebates Up to $300 available for limited time only. Many specials available too.
- Oasys Transitions that change from clear to dark for the outdoor individual and great for sports and spectators.
- One Day Disposables: 1 Day Acuvue Moist, One Day Oasys, Daily Total One, Ciba Night & Day, MyDay, Biotrue, TruEyes, Define or Circle eyes
- Two Week Disposables: Acuvue 2, Biomedics, Freshlook Tint, Colorblends, Oasys
- Monthly to Quarterly: Total 30, Air Optix Aqua Monthly, Vita & Vita for astigmatism, Hydraglide, Soft Colors
- Colors: Air Optix Aqua Colors, ToriSoft Colors: the only soft colored disposable lenses
- Multifocals: Alcon, Johnson & Johnson, B&L, Cooper Vision, Multifocal, Ultra,
- Brands: OASYS® 1-Day, OASYS® 2-Week, OASYS® 1-Day Astigmatism, OASYS® 2-Week Astigmatism, ACUVUE® VITA®, ACUVUE® 1-Day Moist, 1-Day Moist Astigmatism, 1-Day Moist Multifocal.
- Another popular contacts brand is the Total brand. Total also offers a variety of different contacts, however the most popular ones are the Total 30 for Astigmatism 6 Pack and the AIR OPTIX® NIGHT & DAY® AQUA 6 Pack. These contacts are also known for being very comfortable and allowing oxygen to flow through the lenses. This leads to healthier looking eyes. These lenses are also one of the top options for individuals interested in a lens that is safe to wear while sleeping. If you’re looking for a comfortable contact lens to sleep in from a well-liked brand, this might be a good brand for you to consider.
The DAILIES brand is another top contact lens brand that is worth looking into when making a decision. As the name entails, the DAILIES brand makes a variety of disposable contact lenses for daily replacement, including contacts for astigmatism. One of the most popular products is the DAILIES AquaComfort Plus 90 Pack. The DAILIES-Total1 90 Pack is a fan favorite as well. This brand will provide consistent and clear vision that will feel good on your eyes all day long. DAILIES lenses are known for being easy to use, this is a top brand with many advantages.
Breakthrough Technologies: Breakthrough technologies make it possible to meet the real-world comfort, vision and eye health needs of your patients.
Caution with Non-FDA approved colored contacts. Complications: the risks of cosmetic lenses are obvious to the ODs who have seen the ocular consequences, the general population is often unfamiliar with the threats they pose to eye health. Many patients were unaware of the risks and proper instructions for utilization. According to the survey, 1 in 4 patients reported prior use of cosmetic lenses and many had obtained the lenses from unauthorized sources. When questioned about contact lens knowledge, results revealed many patients were not aware of proper wear protocol. A majority of patients did not know that selling contact lenses over the counter and without a prescription is illegal nation-wide. They were also unaware that contact lenses are not 1 size fits all, that parasites can attach to lenses, and that “anime” lenses are not FDA approved. Of the patients surveyed, 62.3% said they were never taught how to clean their contact lenses. Although we may be aware of some of these findings, it is important to examine how cosmetic lenses raise the chances of adverse events (AEs) compared with clear contact lenses. Colored contact lenses pose a higher risk of infection and inflammatory events due to their composition. A recent study examined various cosmetic contact lenses to identify where the pigment was in the layers of the lens. It found that most lenses analyzed contained the bulk of the pigment within 0.4 mm of the surface. The extent of pigment enclosure is not regulated in most countries, but the location affects safety and comfort. Another study found that most contact lens brands failed the rub-off test, leading to detachment of the color pigments. The rub-off test uses cotton swabs to gently rub the front and back surface of the contact lens for 20 second and then measures the amount of color pigment detachment.
- HDS 100, Boston Envision, Boston ES, Boston Rxd, Boston 7, Boston XO2, Fluorex, Flurocon, Fluoroperm, HDS, Menicon, Polycon, Tangent Streak, Ultra.
- Bifocals, Trifocals, Monovision, Bitorics, are available
- CRT, Orthokeratology
- Keratoconus Special Fitting
- Scleral Premium Specialty Lenses
- Synergy Eyes Specialty Contact Lenses
There are five primary categories of lenses used to treat patients with keratoconus, glare, dry eyes, halos, starbursts, ghosting, complications from LASIK, PRK, and RK, Pellucid Marginal Degeneration (PMD) and Sjogren’s Syndrome:
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Scleral Lens Brands
AccuLens Maxim Scleral Lenses
Alden Optical NovaKone Lenses
Alden Optical Zenlens Scleral Lenses
Art Optical SoClear
Atlantis Scleral Lenses
BostonSight Scleral Lenses
EyePrint Prosthetics EyePrintPro Lenses
Flexlens ARC Lenses
Rose K Lenses
SynergEyes ClearKone Lenses
, Duettes, SynergEyes
Valley Contax Custom Stable Lenses