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Best Optometrists & Eye Doctors in Honolulu
ColorDx® CCT HD® High Precision Color-Vision Diagnostics
- Cataract & lasik management
- Emergencies & Walk in usually available by our interns
- treatments for glaucoma (lumigan, alphagan p, travatan z, Vyzulta, rhopressa, rocklatan, xelpros)
- Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration treatments & evaluations
- Premium and specialty contact lenses (including sclerals, hybrids, synergeyes, multi-focals, multifocals, colours, astigmatism, etc.)
- Affordable fashion designer eyewear selection (Maui Jim Sunglasses)
- Custom designed Computer & Gamers Specialty Glasses (Gunnar Optiks)
- High definition digital Progressive lenses (Pals), Polaroid Transitions (Vantage)
- Adult, Geriatric, Children & Pediatric Eye & Vision Care
- Geriatric eye care, pro-active, preventive & not re-active care (nutriceuticals, epigenetics, anti-aging)
- Nutrition & Good health Counseling, Macular Degeneration prevention
- Cosmetic (Latisse, Upneeq, Lumify) and allergy/red eye treatment
- Treatments for chronic dry eyes (punctal plugs, Restasis, Xiidra, Lotemax sm, tyrvaya)
- Treatments & evaluation of vision problems 2nd to traumatic brain injury
- Evaluations and therapy for binocular vision problems, dyslexia, problems learning
- Eyestrain, sore & red eyes, eye pain
- Myopia Control, Presbyopia (vuity), aTROPINE
- Unexplained dizzyness, unexplained nasal congestion, sleep apnea, fatique, tired eyes
- Lasik & implantable contact lenses & refractive surgery consultation and care
- Occupational, computer & Sports Vision
- New Glaucoma Medications: Vyzulta, Rhopressa, Rocklatan, Xelpros
Our Board Certified Doctors and Interns from California, Arizona, Alabama and Canada are ready to serve you. Eye emergencies and our Walk In Clinic can usually be seen by our Interns.
Alice S. Kim, Candidate Doctor of Optometry, University of Alabama
Provided direct patient care to patients of all ages through Primary Care, Cornea and
Contact Lenses, Pediatric, and Ocular Disease services. Special rotations included: Dry
Eye Relief Clinic, Infant Aphakia, Imaging Service, and HIV Healthcare at the 1917
Clinic. Served as a teaching assistant for primary care.
U&M Family Eyecare (May 2024-Jun 2024, Commerce and Lawrenceville, GA)
Administered primary care with low vision rehabilitation training to 177 patients with
utilization of diagnostic and therapeutic pharmaceuticals. Patient base consisted largely
of contact lens wearers of all ages. Emphasis on torics, multifocals, and monovision fits.
Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Aug 2024-Dec 2024)
Emphasis on primary and secondary care in a large and high-volume medical center
serving veterans in Central/Western Alabama and Mississippi. Performed adult and
geriatric eye exams with extensive diabetic eye care, dry eye treatment, and glaucoma
and AMD management.
Dr Edwin Y. Endo II, Optometrist
Diplomate, American Board of Optometry
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
- MidWestern University Eye Institute
- Western U. College of Optometry
- UAB College of Optometry
- Inter American University of Puerto Rico School of Optometry
Principal Investigator Lexitas
Clinical experience from Silas B. Hayes Army Medical Hospital in Montery (California), Long Beach Naval Optometric Clinic, Orange County Low Vision Clinic, and Vision Center at SCCO.